
Energy Decisions are Important
Choose renewable energy options Solar * Wind * Geothermal
Wind Power
Offshore Wind Power
Solar Power
Concentrated Solar Power

Your options for a bright energy future

Oil, gas and coal fed the powerhouses of the 20th century without fail and yet their unpaid debt to the environment and to the future appear to make them inadequate for a sustainable 21st. Alternative renewable energy solutions can gain recognition from the free and open exchange of information about affordable and achievable options. This forum is intended to enrich political discussion by searching for and exchanging actionable data about near term practical and financially viable energy choices for homeowners and businesses.

Information published by better energy LLC is intended for independent verification prior to taking any decision concerning energy investment choices.

Web design from 2013 is under redesign in 2020, to feature recent advances in science writing about root causes of climate damage and actions anyone can take to pitch in on determined efforts in the next 3 decades remaining TO US to save the place.

What are Clean Fuels and How Clean Can They Get

In Oregon the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) catalogues all fuels that involve carbon emission in fuel production and those that do not. Every fuel sold in Oregon is audited for Well to Tank (WTT) carbon emissions.Because emissions of the

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Unproven Climate Solutions are Unjust

When the proposed climate solutions cannot possibly work on time, justice goes begging.

Natural sources of energy are replenished without consuming an irreplaceable fuel resource, and so are thought of as renewable. Such sources are found with sunlight, wind, sea waves and tides, and geothermal heat.

Use Renewable Energy

Environmental Concern

What we do on land is changing the oceans.
Is it enough to just be concerned? 
The market for energy is created between supply and demand. Influencing customers to reduce demand during peak usage times and to increase demand during times of minimum usage (the demand response strategy) can cut the municipalities’ and utilities’ cost for expensive new generation.

Be Resourceful


Other sources of energy are possible. 
Some options are cleaner,
some reduce costs.

Energy conserved is energy not generated. This relieves the burden to the national economy of reliance on foreign fossil fuel acquisition to meet this demand, while also relieving the atmosphere of particulate and carbon emissions.

Conserve Energy

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Well to Tank Energy Efficiencies for Gasoline

Getting to Half Oil Download PDF version Well-to-Tank (WTT) energy efficiencies for gasoline and diesel production are quite high. Compared to energy delivered per gallon of gasoline or diesel, an additional 25% of the energy content is needed from well

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